In the beginning... Kyle created a simple program and.....
Added the ability to spam rules with the push of a hotkey
Version 2.3
release date unknown
Added a slight delay after joining a game before announcing to the discord
Fixed a bug that wasn't keeping track of valid runs
Changed the text from "Announce Last Game Time" to "Announce Last Run Time"
Made it so you can only open one instance of the program
When you close the program, it announces the game stats to the discord (if there are valid runs)
Version 2.4
release date unknown
Added self updating functionality, checking online for the latest version/downloading/installing
Changed the format of the run info
Encoding total runs to base64 and saving to ini file, to keep track of total runs
Version 3.0
release date unknown
Added an in-game display window that shows current info (Game name, password, number, game time): You can move it by holding "Ctrl" on your keyboard and then clicking and dragging it to where you want it to be
Made the in-game display window locked to inside D2R window (If you go from full screen<->windowed the position doesn't update with the new size of the D2R window yet)
Removed the UTC timestmap option
Now keeping track of total career runs and career run average time for games
Changed the way you exit game: More reliable and should be faster
Added a popup at the start that asks if you want to send a message to discord that you're about to start running games
Fixed a bug that caused the announcer to not show up your screen when you open it
Added an icon for the executable (just some discord icon)
Version 3.1
~Around 1 November 2021
Renamed the program to "Chaox Runner Utility"
Added an option to send a message before leaving game
Added a checkbox on the in-game display window to toggle sending the new game message (hold 'Ctrl' on your keyboard to click this)
Changed the way you exit game, previous version was not more reliable after further testing...
Fixed a bug that was causing the game time to be recorded over 10 mins, skewing the average run time
Fixed a bug that was causing both chaos and baal games to count together
Version 3.2
6 November 2021
Switched over to a proper Discord Bot that displays current games and announces new game message, eliminating the channel that just spams a new game message
Added error checking for game name and password (1-15 characters long, alphabet characters, numbers, space, minus and equal sign are the only characters allowed)
Added more error checking for the game name, must include Chaos, Cs, or baal in the game name
Now required to use your discord ID for running (you can get this by DM'ing the ChaoX bot: $whoami)
Removed the "Game starting soon" prompt/message
Added game info for baal and chaos separately. This info is only kept when the program is opened, it resets on reopen (your games are not lost, they're just tracked by the discord bot now)
Contact Kail if you want to export your games before this update to the new Chaox bot
Made it so when you press the make game hotkey and exit game hotkey, they are not triggered again for a short period of time
Replaced the program icon with a proper icon, not one I found on google...
Bolded elements within the program, these bolded items are required
Removed the "Announce last game time in new message" option
Version 3.3
6 November 2021
Fixed a bug that was causing CRU to not send the logout command to ChaoX
Version 3.4
7 November 2021
Added a label to show what the game type is based on your game name
Fixed a bug that was not detecting game type from your game name when you open CRU
Modified the exit game functionality: Some users have reported that D2R freezes and only becomes unfrozen when CRU is closed, happens when leaving the game
Changed the "Send next msg" checkbox to support changing the color of the actual box... Because Jamie is special
Note: You can change the color/font/size of the in-game display in the ini file
Fixed an issue that was causing the in-game display window to appear even if you weren't in D2R, and not appear if you minimize/restore the game
Fixed an issue where it would not click the "Exit Game" button properly if you were running windowed mode (I don't think anyone does but just in case...)
Version 3.5
4 December 2021
Removed Discord ID and made it ChaoX ID now. ChaoX ID is generated by the ChaoX bot on discord. You still need to DM ChaoX $whoami to get this ID
Slightly modified the make game and exit game functions so the in-game display window is updated while you are joining, it was showing previous game data for a couple of seconds after making a new game when it shouldn't have
Added a feature that, when you run CRU as admin it, will block the user from typing/moving the mouse accidentailly while CRU does a macro. This is only available if you run CRU as admin. CRU will still functional normally if you do not run as admin. Feature to prevent people from accidentally moving the mouse when they press the exit game hotkey, or accidentally typing right after they press the make game hotkey
Warning: Since the program is ran as admin, any program uses voice activation or push-to-talk (like in discord) will not be able to recognize it while CRU is selected. Voice will work again once you go back to a non-admin window. This is not a CRU thing, if you have any program/window selected that is ran as admin, and discord is not ran as admin, discord's voice activation/push to talk does not work.
Made it so CRU will higlight/erase the game name and password before typing in the game name. In case you accidentally pressed a key before pressing the make game hotkey, clears old text from the make game input on D2R.
Note: It doesn't detect if there is text in the game name or password, because that would involve reading data. Instead, it just does Ctrl+A on it every time it puts in the name and password
I.e. Ctrl+A, Puts in game name.... If password: Does "Tab", Ctrl+A, puts in password, then hits enter
Added a feature for the new game message. Using the variables %GameName%, %GamePassword%, and %None|GamePassword% will send the game name and password in your new game message.
Ex. Next Game: %GameName% Password: %GamePassword%: Will send your next game name and the password
Ex. Next Game: %GameName% Password: %None|GamePassword%: Will send your next game name and the password. If there is no password it will send "None"
The %None|GamePassword%, aka None or GamePassword, is beneficial if you are running private games and decide to go public, or vice versa. You won't have to modify your NG message, just remove the password
Fixed a bug that would cause CRU to crash when D2R would restore or move around
Removed the delay that prevented you from spamming the exit game hotkey. If you hit your exit game hotkey over and over, it will keep doing Esc and clicking in the center to "Save and Exit"... Even if you're already out of the game (CRU can't detect anything in D2R)
Slightly increased the delay between sending the NG message and actually leaving (idk if it is a BNet bug or client side but sometimes the NG message would show in the lobby chat or after you already left the game....)
Added a feature that would detect when D2R crashes/closes while you are in a chaos/baal run. Sends the "Game over" command to ChaoX so your game is removed from the current games list
Changed the hotkeys so that you can now press the button and record/set your own hotkey, no longer uses pre-defined hotkeys!!!
Note: There is error checking so you cannot use the same hotkey for different macros. The hotkeys are also validated on loading the ini file, so even if you mess with the ini file it's safe
Added an option to disable all macro sending/game making/quick exit functionality for CRU and CRU only sends the new game message and game over message to discord.
You will still have to set a new game/game over hotkey, and use these when you make a new game and leave a game in order to let chaox know a new game is made and the game is over
Note: If you don't actually press the game over hotkey, it will still work, but your game time will be slightly longer (as ChaoX will record your game over time as when your new game is made... I.e., if you are in ChX Chaos-1 and leave when your game is at 153 seconds, and don't press the new game hotkey for another 30 seconds, your ChX Chaos-1 game will count as 183 seconds long)
Fixed a bug that would not properly put the message (rules, etc) in the clipboard to paste in game properly
On your first time running CRU, the in-game display window will default to the top/right side of your screen, instead of the middle
On your first time running CRU, a welcome popup is shown, also letting you know how to interact with the in-game display window
Added a feature that would allow you to add some pre-defined rules. Defaults to Custom Rules on load
You can add more pre-defined rules in the ini file. If you don't already have the ChaoX Rules section in the ini you can add it yourself or open and then close CRU. When you edit the rules inside CRU, they are saved when you close it
Ini section should look like this:
[ChaoX Rules]
Rule Name = Example rules that are sent in game
Discord Spam = Check us out on discord: or
Enabled a feature that will allow any game type/name to work in the game name field, as long as the proper regexp is set on the d2chaox page where CRU scrapes on startup
Added a new ini setting called "Arguments" that is not enabled by default, the user has to put it in their ini for it to be enabled. Only one argument currently implemented, but more to come in the future (multiple arguments can be used, just add them to the same line):
-seconds: Displays the timer as seconds instead of mm ss
Ex: Arguments = -seconds
Version 3.6
6 December 2021
Fixed a bug that would cause the modifier key (ctrl, shift, win) to be stuck down when using a hotkey
When this is your first time opening the updated version of CRU (like going from 3.4 to 3.5) it will prompt you to open this webpage with the notes/information for the update
Added new arguments:
-disabledisplay: Does not show the in-game display window, this also means you can't toggle sending your ng message
-alwaysprompt: Always prompts you to install a newer version, if it exists. Currently only prompts you to install a new update once every 12 hours
Ex: Arguments = -seconds -disabledisplay
Will show game time as seconds only and disable the in-game display window
Had a typo in the prompt for download a newer version of CRU, was still using the old name
Version 3.7
28 April 2022
Added Ladder/Non-Ladder Support (disabled Non-Ladder by default since we are only supporting Ladder until the D2R community reaches the point that even NL is popular)
Added an option to select your build for running. Data stored by ChaoX for some backend data that can be shared with the D2R community, tracking statistics to see what builds are now viable/used for chaos/baal since the massive update
Setting your character build is optional and not required to run/use CRU
The title of CRU changes to include the current season
If you were currently running private games before (you had a password or the checkbox for use game number as password was checked), CRU now tabs to password and selects all and deletes, regardless of if you have anything in the password field. As a "just in case" since D2R was updated to save your game name and password
Version 3.8
7 May 2022
Fixed a bug that was causing CRU to not put the game name in properly and not making games correctly
Version 3.9
27 May 2022
Fixed an issue that would cause CRU to crash
Fixed an issue that would cause CRU to not detect your hotkeys
Change the in-game display window to say "Next Game #" instead of "Game Num"
Increased the delay of when the new game message is sent to ChaoX from 1.5s to 2.5s, just because of the load times of D2R game making
Made it so when you click the game number in CRU, it resets it back to 1
Added a checkbox that will let you randomly increment your game numbers. When checked, it will increment by a number between 1 and 10